Remote Notary News

Oregon State Flag_Map Image For News Post Detailing Oregon's Passage of A Bill To Alter Remote Notarization Standards in the State

Oregon Passes Law To Allow Remote Notarizations Permanently

July 02, 2021 – JDSupraWeiner Brodsky Kider PC– Oregon Makes Remote Notarization Provisions Permanent

Oregon recently enacted Senate Bill 765 (S.B. 765), which, in part, amends the state’s notary law to permanently allow remote notarizations. The changes made by S.B. 765 became effective on June 15, 2021.

In June 2020, Oregon passed House Bill 4212 (H.B. 4212), which, in part, temporarily authorized remote notarizations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  H.B. 4212’s temporary remote notarization provisions were set to expire on June 30, 2021 (the Sunset Date).  S.B. 765 repeals the Sunset Date, making the remote notarization provisions permanent.  S.B. 765 also makes other clarifying changes to Oregon’s notary law regarding remote notarizations.